Family & Community
Forms for Current Families | Formularios Para las Familias ActualesIf you are a current student or parent, you've come to the right place. Here you can find any form that you might need for school. You can download and print them, then return them to the school office. All forms should be uploaded very soon.
Safe Enviornment Training | Entrenamiento de Ambiente SeguroAll School Staff and Volunteers are required to have a VIRTUS account. In VIRTUS you will need to sign a code of conduct and sign up for a Safe Environment Training Class. If you have already completed a class please send the information to be recorded. If it has been past the 5 years you will need to complete an online refreshers course and I can assign that to you as well.
Once you sign up on VIRTUS, we will need to approve your request before you can sign the code of conduct. Here is a link to Virtus if you haven't already setup your account: We will also need to perform background checks as well. They need to be completed every 5 years. We will need you to share your full legal name and the email address you would like the background check request to go to. If you have any questions or need assistance with any of the following steps, please let Amanda Medina ([email protected]) know. |