Our Results | Nuestros ResultadosAnnunciation students are high-achieving and graduation-ready! By 5th grade, Annunciation students are significantly out-performing their neighborhood public-school peers, and by 8th grade, they are ready to move on to challenging Catholic high schools. We are very proud of the growth and academic success achieved by our students! Check out how we are doing...
*Based on 2016 standardized test data comparing our students to students at the 10 nearest elementary & middle schools.
Success After Annunciation | El éxito Después de la AnunciaciónOur graduates leave Annunciation with the academic skills and strong character needed to be successful in high school and beyond. For all students, particularly students from marginalized and disadvantaged backgrounds, Annunciation is a spring-board to future success!
College Acceptances | Aceptación de la UniversidadWe are very proud of our Annunciation graduates! Check out a list of some of the colleges and universities to which our grads have been accepted to over these past two years...